Leaders play a powerful role on many fronts. They are a key in setting strategy, adapting to change and managing conflict to name just a few.  They are often the hero and villain all in the course of one day. Good leaders are there for when you need them, great leaders are there before you know you need them. In the very act of writing this post, one of my great leaders from the past called just to check on me at a time I was just thinking I needed to schedule a lunch with her to help think some stuff through.

Leaders aren’t perfect and are still learning and growing in their role just like each of us.  Leadership to me has never been about one person knowing all the answers; it’s about knowing the team and resources well enough to get all the answers. They lead the way at the right time and get out of the way at the right time. 

Great leaders don’t back away from the tough conversations, they have them because they know everyone is better for having them. They have the confidence of their team that they could step down to do the position(s) below them but instill the trust and confidence in the team that team can do it better and are needed. While nothing is beneath them doing and helping with, they remind the team through their act and attention that they understand the bigger picture and proper priorities.

Great leaders manage up and around them just as effectively as they manage their direct reports. At times that means being a shield to protect their teams, at other times that means advocating for their teams needs to the greater powers. They manage up to stay aligned with strategy and direction, while best serving their teams going forward to stay ahead of the curve and giving their teams the best chance to shine.

An organization is only as good as it’s leaders lead it in the right directions. Its leadership needs to be exhibited in all things large and small. Please allow me to close with a matter share with me about a year ago. A customer wrote to a company with a thank you for kind handling during a recent difficult personal time.  The employee who is responsible to reply to the customer, by giving great customer service, thinking outside the box to solve problems and who deals with many more complaints than thank you’s, see’s that the thank you is to the leader that oversees her department. 

As you read the below, please consider how that employee feels about her leader and how she might better internalize the giving customer service going forward. Might she feel more supported and unified in the mission of the company with her leader? Might she be more willing to make slight perosnal sacrficies in the spirit of serving her customers?


I want to give a huge thumbs up and thank you to [airline employee name], Director, [specfic role]. I was traveling back to XXX from XXX after a difficult weekend visiting my brother who was in the ICU at a local hospital. [Airline employee name] happened to be on the same flight and while waiting to board he asked about the purpose of my travel.

After a brief conversation, [airline employee name] left and came back a few minutes later with an upgraded ticket that included more leg room (I am 6’4″). Unbeknownst to [airline employee name], I had previously tried to get an upgrade but the red-eye flight was fully booked. I asked how he had worked his magic and he explained that he gave up his own seat.

With his insistence, I reluctantly accepted his offer. That simple act of kindness and selflessness speaks volumes about [airline employee name]. He doesn’t just talk about customer service, he lives it. Not because it’s his job, but because he is a good and caring person.


[Customer’s name]

The reply to the customer:

Dear [Customer’s name],

Thanks for contacting us about your [recent] flight. Emails like yours are always a pleasure to receive.

We are very sorry to hear that your visit…was not for a more pleasant reason and we send our best wishes to you, your brother and your family. We recognize what a difficult time that must have been for you and it absolutely warms our hearts that you had the chance to meet [airline employee name] and chat with him before your flight. He is truly a man with a huge heart and exemplifies [airline’s] mission. It is not surprising that he traded seats with you; we know he wanted to make sure your flight back home was as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We’ll be sure to pass your thoughtful note along to him, where we’re confident it will bring a smile to his face.

[Customer’s name], our customers are the reason we are in business and we thank you for always choosing [airline]. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you onboard again soon.

Kind regards,

[airline emplyee]