Creative customer service is not an accident, it's a passion!

‘Tis the season of sneaky parenting! As a parent of five children, I feel like I’ve nearly mastered how to be Santa’s helper directly under the nose of my seasonally-infused-excited children.
Recently at a local grocery store, I had an especially inquisitive young child with me and I begin to wonder how I was going to pull this one off. I had somehow managed to get most of the things I wanted to keep secret underneath the cart. When I got to the check-out it became a little more tricky as he became more and more inquisitive of his immediate surroundings. With a slight distraction, I was able to whisper to the check-out clerk what my plan was here and asked if she could help me in someway.
Before I knew it there were two additional clerks there! One clerk assisting with the distraction and two quickly disguising the contents of my cart better than I could ever imagine.
Creative customer service is not an accident, it is a passion point that you have or you learn.  Clearly, this store gets it and loves doing it! Many thanks to this group of elves helping me help Santa!